- Realising the Symmetry-Protected Haldane Phase in Fermi-Hubbard Ladders
Nature 606, 484-488
Pimonpan Sompet, Sarah Hirthe, Dominik Bourgund, Thomas Chalopin, Julian Bibo, Joannis Koepsell, Petar Bojovic, Ruben Verresen, Frank Pollmann, Guillaume Salomon, Christian Gross, Timon Hilker, Immanuel Bloch
- Microscopic evolution of doped Mott insulators from polaronic metal to Fermi liquid
Science 374, 6563, pp.82-86
Joannis Koepsell, Dominik Bourgund, Pimonpan Sompet, Sarah Hirthe, Annabelle Bohrdt, Yao Wang, Fabian Grusdt, Eugene Demler, Guillaume Salomon, Chritian Gross, Immanuel Bloch
- Robust Bilayer Charge-Pumping for Spin- and Density-Resolved Quantum Gas Microscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 010403
Joannis Koepsell, Sarah Hirthe, Dominik Bourgund, Pimonpan Sompet, Jayadev Vijayan, Guillaume Salomon, Christian Gross, Immanuel Bloch
- Time-Resolved Observation of Spin-Charge Deconfinement in Fermionic Hubbard Chains
Science 367, 6474, pp.186-189
Jayadev Vijayan, Pimonpan Sompet, Guillaume Salomon, Joannis Koepsell, Sarah Hirthe, Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, Immanuel Bloch, Christian Gross
- Imaging magnetic polarons in the doped Fermi-Hubbard model
Nature 572, 358-362
Joannis Koepsell, Jayadev Vijayan, Pimonpan Sompet, Fabian Grusdt, Timon A. Hilker, Eugene Demler, Guillaume Salomon, Immanuel Bloch, Christian Gross
- Direct observation of incommensurate magnetism in Hubbard chains
Nature 565, 56-60
Guillaume Salomon, Joannis Koepsell, Jayadev Vijayan, Timon A. Hilker, Jacopo Nespolo, Lode Pollet, Immanuel Bloch, Christian Gross
- Revealing Hidden Antiferromagnetic Correlations in Doped Hubbard Chains via String Correlators
Science 357, 6350, pp. 484-487
Timon A. Hilker, Guillaume Salomon, Fabian Grusdt, Ahmed Omran, Martin Boll, Eugene Demler, Immanuel Bloch, Christian Gross
- Nonlinear scattering of atomic bright solitons in disorder
Europhys. Lett. 117, 10007 (editor’s choice)
Amaudric Boissé, Guillaume Berthet, Lauriane Fouché, Guillaume Salomon, Alain Aspect, Steven Lepoutre, Thomas Bourdel
- Spin- and density-resolved microscopy of antiferromagnetic correlations in Fermi-Hubbard chains
Science 353, 6305, pp. 1257-1260
Martin Boll, Timon A. Hilker, Guillaume Salomon, Ahmed Omran, Jacopo Nespolo, Lode Pollet, Immanuel Bloch, Christian Gross
- Production of strongly bound 39K bright solitons
Phys. Rev. A 94, 053626
Steven Lepoutre, Lauriane Fouché, Amaudric Boissé, Guillaume Berthet, Guillaume Salomon, Alain Aspect, Thomas Bourdel
- Microscopic Observation of Pauli Blocking in Degenerate Fermionic Lattice Gases
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 263001
Ahmed Omran, Martin Boll, Timon A. Hilker, Katharina Kleinlein, Guillaume Salomon, Immanuel Bloch, Christian Gross
- All-optical cooling of 39K to Bose-Einstein condensation
Phys. Rev. A 90, 033405
Guillaume Salomon, Lauriane Fouché, Steven Lepoutre, Alain Aspect, Thomas Bourdel
- Gray-molasses cooling of 39K to a high phase-space density
Europhys. Lett. 104, 63002
Guillaume Salomon, Lauriane Fouché, Pengjun Wang, Alain Aspect, Philippe Bouyer, Thomas Bourdel
- Effect of disorder close to the superfluid transition in a two-dimensional Bose gas
Phys. Rev. A 85, 033602
Baptiste Allard, Thomas Plisson, Markus Holzmann, Guillaume Salomon, Alain Aspect, Philippe Bouyer, Thomas Bourdel
- Coherence properties of a two-dimensional trapped Bose gas around the superfluid transition
Phys. Rev. A 84, 061606(R)
Thomas Plisson, Baptiste Allard, Markus Holzmann, Guillaume Salomon, Alain Aspect, Philippe Bouyer, Thomas Bourdel